Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Here's the thing...most people that are in church are unhappy with their church. Why would I make such a preposterous statement? Because I hear people complain about church (their church, that church, our get the picture)!

So here is what I propose: step back and take a look at yourself.

Opps, I said it. Now I don't mean to crush anyone's toes, just step on them a bit. We all need a good toe stomping on occasion. It reminds us that they are still there!

All change or lack of change starts with us. The reality is: everything changes. Everything. The problem is we believe that everything around us changes but we stay the same. "I'm exactly the same person I was when..." you can fill in the blank. I still see my self as the young scholar athlete with lots of hair.

Churches change because people change. Let's face it; we were ok with the change of having interior plumbing and electricity in church. We were ok when we stopped meeting in someone's living room or garage or barn.

Or were we? Were we ok when someone introduce the "new" song "Amazing Grace"? Were we ok when we had to build a bigger building because God was adding to our number daily? Were we ok when we had to put in a PA system so everyone could hear the preacher? Were we ok when someone said we could seat more people if we had pews? Were we ok when...well you get the idea.

At some point everything is new. At some point things must change. They must otherwise we would still be meeting in the catacombs by candle light.

So when was the last time you looked at yourself and realized that you had changed? Yes the church has changed: it is always changing & has been for the last 2,000 yrs. Yes you have changed: and have been since the day you were born. Is all change good: no. Will everything except God himself change: yes. If you're not changing, your probably dead (at least spiritually).

Is your church changing whether you like it or not? Are you changing whether you like it or not? Are you grumbling and complaining about it or are you looking to God to find your strength and foundation? Are you modeling Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

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