Thursday, March 12, 2015

Here we go...writing and work.

I recently came under the impression that I need to write. I need to write to get stuff out and off my chest. I need to write to release what is building up inside of me. I need to write. The problem is: I don't like to write. That's right, I said it, I don't like it. I'd rather talk. Talking is so much easier, and it's way more interactive (provided I listen at least as much as I talk).

Right now I'm in grad school, so I have to write. Sometimes I'm passionate about a subject and the words just leap from my head on to the document. But more often, it is painfully extracted from my head through my fingers into the paper. This is why I often don't like to write: I may not like what I'm writing about.

It's amazing how much easier it is to write or do something that you actually want to do. This motivation can come from deep within, or be an outgoing expression of an interest. Either way it is much easier to write when it comes flowing out naturally.

I think work is the same way. When it is a passion, work comes naturally, easily. It's still work, but somehow it feels different. You feel strangely alive while working and reaching your accomplishment. This is when you know you reached that optimum place of work with passion.

What are you passionate about? What makes you come alive? How can you incorporate that feeling into your everyday work? 

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